VLSI Systems Research Lab
Faculty Incharge: Dr.S.Moorthi
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Faculty In-charge:
Dr. S. Moorthi, Associate Professor, NIT-T
The department of Electrical and Electronics has excellent research laboratory and support facilities in the area of Embedded systems and VLSI. The research includes Integrated circuits simulation, RF applications, tuning circuits, Phase-locked loop, IoT applications etc and VLSI design laboratory is with all the modern EDA(electronic design automation) tools, (e.g. CADENCE, Altium, XILINX based gate array design & programming tools, etc.) and adequate hardware with FPGA boards, in the form of servers and a good number of workstations for research and course work. With a focus on Embedded systems, the lab is equipped with hardware such as Arduino, Intel boards & other necessary microcontrollers alongside sensors to test in real-time. Also, equipped with software like Arduino, Node-Red, Processing to enlighten the DIY hands-on skills among students and Research scholars. The teaching/training has been developed to train students in areas related to electronics, IoT(Internet of Things), STEM & soldering skills, Design technologies to many a new.
- Software tools: Cadence, Xilinx, Altium, Arduino, Node-Red.
- Hardware tools: FPGA prototyping boards, Analog/ Digital IO boards from Xilinx. Function Generators, Oscilloscopes, and Logic Analyzers.
- Networked computing environment with Linux andWindows.
- Printing, Scanning and Xeroxingfacilities.
- Library with reference books andmanuals.
- S. Aditya and S. Moorthi, "A wide tunable fast settling 4-bit Digitally Controlled Oscillator for reconfigurable multi-band RF applications", Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier (Accepted).
- R. Ramya and S. Moorthi, "Frequency response masking based FIR filter using approximate multiplier for biomedical applications", Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Springer (In-press).
- S. Aditya and S. Moorthi, "Digitally tunable active inductor for applications", International Journal of Electronics Letters, Taylor and Francis (https://doi.org/10.1080/21681724.2019.1625966).
- R. Ramya and S. Moorthi, "Performance Evaluation of Wordlength Reduction Based Area and Power Efficient Approximate Multiplier for Mobile Multimedia Applications",Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Springer (2019) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-019-01137-7
- R. Ramya and S. Moorthi, "Modeling and Simulation of Frequency Response Masking FIR Filter Bank using Approximate Multiplier for Hearing Aid Advances in System Science and Applications, an International Journal, Vol. No.4, pp. 74 – 91, December 2018.
- R. Ramya, S. Moorthi, “Review of recent trends in Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architectures for signal processing applications”, Advances in System Science and Applications, an International Journal, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 41 – 58, May2018.
- B. Vasumathi and S. Moorthi, “Implementation of hybrid ANN–PSO algorithm on FPGA for harmonic estimation”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Elsevier Ltd., April 2012.
- B. Vasumathi and S. Moorthi, “Modified ADALINE algorithm for harmonic estimation and Selective Harmonic Elimination in inverters”, International Journal Electronics, Taylor and Francis, November 2011.
1. S. Aditya and S. Moorthi, "Wide Tuning Low Noise OTA based Current Controlled Ring Oscillator to suit PLL Applications", National Journal of Technology, 10, pp. 66-72, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, INDIA, 2014.
- B. Vasumathi, S. Moorthi, “Harmonic Estimation Using Modified ADALINE Algorithm with Time-Variant Widrow – Hoff (TVWH) Learning Rule”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Informatics, March2011
- S. Aditya and S. Moorthi, "Wide Tuning Low Noise OTA based Current Controlled Ring Oscillator to suit PLL Applications", International Conference on Intelligent Efficient Electrical Systems (ICIEES), December 2013. (Awarded as the BestPaper).
- S. Aditya and S. Moorthi, “A Low Jitter Wide Tuning range Phase-Locked Loop with Low Power Consumption in 180nm CMOS Technology”, IEEE-Asia Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PRIMEASIA), December 2013.
- S.P. Jayasri, N. Vyshnavi, S. Moorthi, “Wireless monitoring, control and automation in pulp and paper industry”, IEEE- INDICON 2017, IIT Roorkee, INDIA, 15 – 17, 2017.