Solar PV and Renewable Energy Laboratory

Faculty In-charge:
Dr. G. Saravana Ilango, Associate Professor/EEE, NITT.
Facilities and prototypes available:
Solar array simulator, single phase and three phase Power quality analyser, data acquisition modules with high sampling frequency, thermal camera, AmprobeSolar 4000 Analyser to measure solar irradiance, IV curve tracer and panel temperature, 5 kW solar plant, Thermo electric generator, Digital storage oscilloscopes with high sampling rate, grid connected inverter, off grid inverteretc
Area of Research:
Main area of research works are detection of line to line, line to ground, arc faults in PV array, failures in PV modules, partial shading in PV systems, MPPT algorithm for extracting maximum power from PV, array configuration for thermo electric generators and maximum power point tracking method for TEG etc. Presently, we are working in the area of grid connected solar PV using modular multilevel converters to enhance the power quality and extraction of maximum power under partial shading conditionand wide band gap devices.