Power Systems and Smart Grid Lab
Faculty Incharge : Dr. M.Jaya Bharata Reddy

Faculty In-Charge:
Dr. M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Professor, NIT-T
Power system and smart grid research lab was established in 2013 by financial assistance from the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and NIT Trichy. The objective is to enhance the R&D work in Power system as well as smart grids.
Projects Completed:
- Fault detection, classification and location using wavelet MRA and artificial intelligenttechniques.
- Real-time implementation of fault detection and classification algorithm using LabViewDAQ.
- Fault detection, classification and location using wavelet MRA and artificial intelligenttechniques.
- Power quality analysis using S-transform and discrete orthogonal S-transform(DOST).
- Substation automation- real time condition monitoringsystem.
- Optimal PMUplacements
- Prevention of zone-3 mal-operation due to load encroachment using.
No. of Journals published: 57
No. of Conferences published: 45
No. of M. Tech/ Ph.D graduated: 46/02
Current ongoing research work: Travelling waves based protection, Generator stability, Microgrids
List of major Equipment available:
- ERL relay L Pro4000.
- Opal-RT 4510,4520.
- Fluke Energyanalyzer.
- Agilent Digital StorageOscilloscope.
- Laboratory model of EHV Transmission system model with source at bothends.
- NI Compact Rio and DAQcards.
- NI Voltage and current modules, GPSmodule.