Power Converters Research Lab

Faculty In-Charge:
Dr. C. Nagamani, Professors HAG, NIT-T
Dr. N. Kumaresan, Professor, NIT-T
Dr. G. Saravana Ilango, Associate Professor, NIT-T
The Power Converters Research Laboratory (NaMPET lab) was established in 2008 with financial assistance (Rs 34.00 lakhs) from the National Mission programme on Power Electronics Technology (NaMPET), under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), Govt. of India. The objective is to enhance the indigenous R&D expertise and infrastructure in the country with active participation from Academic Institutions and Industries. Subsequently funds from TEQIP and annual funds from the institute plan fund were utilized to maintain the laboratory.
Areas of current research work: Power controllers for Doubly Fed Induction Generators, Self-Excited Induction Generators, Battery Charge controllers, Controllers for Photovoltaic systems, Switched reluctance motors, Brushless DC drives, and FACTs controllers.
Equipment: Slip ring induction motor coupled with a dc generator, squirrel cage induction motor coupled with a dc generator, Permanent magnet synchronous generator coupled with a dc motor
3-phase VSI fed PWM Inverter AC drive (1 hp), 1-ph VSI fed PWM inverter
Special machines: (brushless dc, stepper motors, SRM)
dc drive demonstration module, Torque transducer, Speed Transducer
Regulated DC Power Supplies Make APLAB, Hall effect sensors-(voltage/current) Lem make
Handheld battery-operated Digital Power scope.