Networking Research Lab
This lab is equipped with the following :
(i) Three desktop systems with configuration of core i7 processors (3.40GHz), 4 GB RAM , all interconnected with each other with a high- speed Ethernet of 1 Gbps with Internet facility.
(ii) Two 6 core High-end workstations with configuration of 2.3GHz, 15MB 7.2 GT/s, nVidia Quadro 4000 , 2GB with Dual DVI display.
(iii) Universal trainer kits with ARM and PIC cards.
(iv) 8051 starter kits, CC2500 Zigbee pairs, 2.4GHz Zigbee transceivers, Temperature sensors, humidity sensors, CO sensors and current sensors.
(v) Planned to procure Motes, data Acquistion boards, Sensor boards and QualNet under plan fund.
This lab is set up for research scholars (PhD and MS), to carry out research in areas like wireless technology , web services and networking. The different kinds of sensors are provided to develop mini and real-time wireless sensor projects by the students. Softwares like MPLAB, Keil etc. are used to program the universal trainer kits. QualNet will be used to simulate and study the performance of various wireless sensor network scenarios. Research will be carried out in the field of WSN.
The dimension is 6.22mx 2.79m = 17.358 square meters.
Faculty Incharge: Dr.S.Sudha (
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