Hybrid Electrical Systems Lab

Faculty In-Charge:
Dr. N. Kumaresan, Professor, NIT-T
Dr. M. P. Selvan, Associate Professor, NIT-T
Dr. P. Raja, Associate Professor, NIT-T
Dr. S. Moorthi, Associate Professor, NIT-T
In this lab, projects and research in the area of micro-grids and smart-grids are being carried out. Under-graduate, post-graduate, MS and Ph.D. scholars work in this lab as a team to develop digital controllers for power electronic systems interfaced with solar and wind energy conversion systems. Further, projects in power system protection, smart metering, advanced metering infrastructure, residential energy management system and demand response are also being carried out. This lab is provided with many electrical and electronic work benches with three-phase and single phase power wiring, DC and AC machines, power converters, solar simulator, power quality analyzer, digital storage oscilloscopes, variety of digital controllers for carrying out research projects. It is also equipped with 6 kW roof top solar PV system. Research projects funded by DST, NIWE and MeitY and collaboration with ERNET, TU Delft, Entuple Technologies, Texas Instruments to conduct workshops and training programs are the highlights of this lab.