Current Awareness Bulletin 2024 Volume II 
Current Awareness Bulletin 2024 Volume III 
Current Awareness Bulletin 2024 Volume IV

The Institute has a modern Central Library with more than two and a half lakhs of documents consisting of Technical books, reports, standards, CD-ROMS, Audio Visual Educational Cassettes, and back volumes of journals. The library subscribes to 83 periodicals (print) plus 8210+ e-Journals and 1995+ e-books besides a holding of 17690 back volumes of journals. The library also contains 16,750 books in the Book Bank scheme.
Digital Knowledge Centre has been established with 35 Ubuntu Computer systems with an internet connection. Wi-Fi facility has been provided for laptop users. CCTV Web cameras have been fixed in the Central Library and the entire building is under camera surveillance. RFID Technology of Document Identification and Library Security System has been implemented for the library functions and services from 29th March 2013.
Virtual Tour in Central Library: Click here
To provide comprehensive Resources and Services in support of the Research, Teaching, and learning needs of the Institute community
- To build collections by networking with leading Libraries for providing relevant information and create tools to support research, teaching, and learning
- To facilitate seamless access to robust and distinctive collections to the stakeholders
- To ensure the preservation and long-lasting availability of library collections and resources

Central Library has institute membership subscription to DELNET, New Delhi, and providing ILL (Inter-Library Loan) services to the users.
Library Automation
The Library functions such as Acquisition, Circulation control, Cataloguing and Serials control have been automated using an integrated software called “LibSYS”. RFID Library Security Systems and Technology has been implemented in the Library functions and services.
Library Catalog (For Books, Reports, Theses, Project reports, etc.)
Statistical Data
1. |
No. of Books |
1,35,536 |
2. |
Print Journals subscribed |
85 |
3. |
Back Volumes of Journals |
17690 |
4. |
Reports |
8617 |
5. |
Competitive Examinations Guides and Manuals (GATE, GRE, CAT, AIEEE, JEE, etc.) |
800+ |
6. |
Book Bank |
16750 |
7. |
1601 |
8. |
Thesis, Projects |
2378 |
9. |
Daily Newspapers |
9 |
1. |
No. of e-journals subscribed |
8210+ |
2. |
No. of e-books |
1995 |
Circulation Policies
Member Type |
No. of Books |
Lending Period |
UG/PG Students |
6 |
30 Days |
Ph.D. and MS Research Scholars |
6 |
30 Days |
Faculty Members |
10 |
180 Days |
PDF and Temp Faculty |
8 |
180 Days |
Group A Staff/ Officer |
5 |
180 Days |
Other Staff |
4 |
180 Days |
External Member/ Alumni |
2 |
30 Days |
Additionally, through Book Bank Service SC, ST, Scholarship, and rank holder students are eligible for borrowing 5 books per semester over and above the list.
Borrowing Rules
1. The reader should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, etc while getting them issued.
2. The overdue fine of Rs.1.00 will be charged per day after the due date for the books.
3. Absence from the Institute will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
4. Books will be issued only after checking borrowers Identity Card.
5. Reference Books, Magazines, Journals and dailies will not be issued.
6. Students and Staff who leave the Institute for any reason should surrender all the Library Books.
7. Any unhealthy practices such as stealing Library documents, tearing or damaging the documents will be severely punished.
8. Writing or underlining in a book or tampering in any manner is strictly prohibited.
9. Librarian may recall the books already issued to any member without assigning any reason thereof makes special.
10. Issued books will be renewed only two times for the same member at a time.
11. For loss of Library Books, user has to replace with a new book with the same ISBN or latest edition or to remit double the original purchase cost of the book. If the books lost belongs to a set of multi-volume books, the cost of the entire set of volumes will be recovered from the borrower.
12. RFID Tags have been pasted in the Books. If the Tag is found torn or damaged at the time of return by the borrower, a token fine of Rs.500/- will be charged for mutilating/ damaging of library documents.
13. Borrowers should deposit the transaction slip to the security desk for verification cum official transaction record.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday : 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Saturday : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Sunday : 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
(Library will be closed on Public Holidays)
Ask your Librarian/ any query related to e-Resources, subscription, Turnitin/ Ouriginal account, and Inter-Library Loan [ILL] request send email to:
Email: librarian[at]nitt.edu / ssiva[at]nitt.edu
Ph: 0431-250-3761
Circulation Counter
Email: lib.circulation[at]nitt.edu
Ph: 0431-250-3765
Ph: 0431-250-3760