Filing details
Application Status |
Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A System with Multiple transmission Loss Co-efficient for Dynamic Economic Generator Dispatch.
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, K Sundareswaran, Srinivasarao Nayak, C H Ram Jethmalani
Date of Filing: 10/07/2014
Application No: 3413/CHE/2014
Granted Application, Patent Number :382380
Name of applicant: BHEL, Trichy
Title: A Batteryless Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System to Supply Electrical Power during all Seasons to the Utilities Throughout the Day.
Inventors: Kevin Ark Kumar, Sishaj P. Simon, K. Sundareswaran, Srinivasa Rao Nayak, TT Anilkumar, C.H. Ramjeth Malani & Ratchanniya Samuel
Date of Filing : 25/11/2014
Application No: 1231/KOL/2014
Reply Filed. Application in amended examination
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Name of applicant: BHEL, Trichy
Title: A system to determine a day-ahead loading pattern of heavy machineries in industries and proactive control of peak load overshoot
Inventors: Muhammad Ehsan Rajith, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Rohit Rajan Eapen, M. Senthil kumar, Kevin Ark Kumar
Date of Filing: 19-03-2016
File No.: 201631009629
Reply Filed. Application in amended examination
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Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A method of differential relay for power transformer protection using DSP processor
Inventors: N. P. Padhy, Sishaj P Simon, M. Senthil Kumar, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak
Date of Filing: 05/04/2016
File No: 201641012033
Granted Application, Patent Number:380676
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Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: A System for Efficient Energy Extraction From an Existing Solar Photovoltaic System
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, Mohammed Mansoor O, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak
Date of Filing: 02/11/2017
File No: 201741039045
Reply Filed. Application in amended examination
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Name of applicant: BHEL Trichy
Title: An Autonomous Sys. for MF&O of a Dust Cleaning Mechanism for PV Panels
Inventors: Muhammad Ehsan Ranjith, Sishaj P Simon, Kevin ark Kumar, K. Sundareswaran
Date of Filing: 2019-11-11
File No: 201931045839
FER Issued
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Name of applicant: NIT, Tiruchirappalli
Title: Single Axis Solar Tracking System and Method Thereof
Inventors: Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, Krishna Kumba, Mohammed Mansoor O, Venkateswarlu Gundu
Date of Filing: 2020-09-17
File No: 202041040239
Granted Application, Patent Number :394395