Naveen Yalla
1. Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Rooekee - 2019.
2. M.Tech in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra - 2011.
3. BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering - 2009.
Work Experience:
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NIT Tiruchirapalli since June 2020.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Kurukshetra from 2013-2104.
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University from 2019-2020.
Honors and Awards:
1. GOLD MADEL from Dr. Shivatanu Pillai (Brahmos) for best performer in M.Tech, 2009-2011 batch.
2. Cleared Engineering Service Examination (ESE) written exam 2013.
3. Qualified GATE 5 Times and secured 99.5 percentile / AIR 516 (2012)
4. Selected as Assistant Professor in NIT UTTARAKANDH.
5. 2nd Prize in National Level Tech Quiz conducted by NIT Kurukshetra
6. 2nd Prize in National Level Tech Empore conducted by NIT Kurukshetra
7. 3rdPrize in Tech quest Conducted by Andhra University
8. Received Best Paper Award in the Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering RTEEE 2017 National Conference, India.
Area of Interest:
High Power Factor Converters, Electric Viechle Chargers, Multi Level Converters, Solid State Transformers.
A. Patents:
1. Naveen Yalla, Pramod Agarwal and Narendra Babu A, “NPA: A Multi-Level High Power Factor AC-DC Converter,” Filed Indian Patent”, application no. 201911014389, dated. 10.04.2019.
B. International journals:
1. Naveen Yalla, Narendra Babu A, and Pramod Agarwal, “A New Three Phase Multi-Point Clamped 5L-HPFC With Reduced PSD Count and Switch Stress,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI:10.1109/TIE.2019.2910030, Early Access, 2019 Apr 15.
2. Naveen Yalla and Pramod Agarwal, “New MPC-5LUC with reduced PSD count for MVHP direct-drive WECS with
PMSG: A cost effective solution,” IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 13, pp. 1474-1487, 2019.
3. Naveen Yalla and Pramod Agarwal, “Active input current shaping with new MPC structured TP-TL-5L converter with
reduced PSD count for renewable energy conversion,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 110, pp. 386-399, 2019.
4. Naveen Yalla, Pramod Agarwal, “A New RSS-ML-IPFC for Level-3 Electric Vehicle Applications", IET Power Electronics, vol. 13, pp. 693-702, 2020.
C. International conferences:
1. Naveen Yalla and Pramod Agarwal, “A new 5L-UHPFC with reduced part count for high speed gen-set applications,” in Proc. of IEEMA Engineer Infinite Conference (eTechNxT), New Delhi, India, pp. 1-5, 2018.
2. Naveen Yalla, Narendra Babu A and Pramod Agarwal, “A new 5L-UHPFC with reduced part count for Wind Energy Integration,” in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG)”, North Carolina, USA, pp. 1-5, 2018.
3. Naveen Yallaand Pramod Agarwal, “A new Three Phase 5L-UIPFC for wind energy applications,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)”,IITM,Chennai, India, pp. 1-5, 2018. [This paper is recommended for possible publications in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications].
4. Yalla, N. and Agarwal, P., 2019, May. A new Multi Point Clamped bi-directional DC-DC converter for renewable energy integration. In 2018 IEEE 8th Power India International Conference (PIICON) (pp. 1-5).
5. Naveen Yalla, Narendra Babu A and Pramod Agarwal; A New MPC-5LRSS High Power Factor Converter. Accepted in 2020 Applied Power Electronic Conference (APEC).
6. N Babu,A., Naveen Yalla., and Agarwal, P; Hybrid 2/3L Inverter with Unequal PV Array Voltages. Accepted in 2020 Applied Power Electronic Conference (APEC).
7. N Babu,A., Yalla, N. and Agarwal, P., 2018, January. A modified T-type single phase five-level inverter with reduced switch voltage stress. In 2018 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Dr. Naveen Yalla
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapall