Molecular Biology Laboratory

The laboratory is equipped with all necessary equipment and other facilities for carrying out the research activities in the field of molecular biotechnology. The laboratory has qPCR, gel documentation system, electrophoresis units, cooling centrifuge, laminar air flow chamber, rotary shaker, magnetic stirrer and other ancillaries.
Molecular biology works such as DNA/RNA isolation, cDNA conversion, agarose gel electrophoresis etc., can be carried out. The key research focus of the laboratory is in the field of algal biotechnology especially on high volume-low value products (biofuels) and low volume- high value products (bioactive compounds).
Key Facilities
- qPCR
- Cooling centrifuge
- Gel documentation
- Electrophoresis units
- Laminar air flow chamber
- Rotary shaker
- Magnetic stirrer
- Vortex mixer
- Weighing balance.
For Detailed list of facilities, please click here
Faculty in Charge
Dr. T. Mathimani, Ph.D
Department of Energy and Environment
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Tamil Nadu, India