The Civil Engineering Research and development club of NIT Trichy " Builder's Hive" secured 8th rank globally and came in the top 20 position worldwide, the only team representing India. The team consisting of Abhishek, Thushali, Satvika, Anirudh, Ram, Sanjay, Mukesh, and Ajay Teja under the Guidance of Dr. Prabha Mohandoss, Assistant Professor Civil Department NIT-Trichy, American Concrete Institute (ACI) convention spring, Orlando, FL, USA, March 27-31, 2022.
We are privileged to inform that our institution was awarded the ACI Outstanding University 2021, among 86 institutions across the globe due to the active participation of Builder’s hive team, Department of Civil Engineering, NITT, on March 2022
Mr. Abishek Vijay was awarded as a“2022 class of New faces of Civil Engineering Collegiate Honoree” by American society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for his outstanding achievements as an engaged citizen and representative of the next generation of civil engineers.

Aakaar IIT Bombay conducted the Industrial Design Problem Competition in association with JSW Cement during 14th edition of AAKAAR 2022, Asia’s largest Civil Engineering Festival held from 25 – 27 March 2022. The Theme of competition revolved around Sustainability and Durability of Concrete. Participants were asked to Design green concrete mix for the construction of Elevated Metro Rail which will promote sustainable approach by opting green initiatives and stand as an example for many other upcoming projects. The competition gave participants experience of the real-world problems of the Civil engineering industry and make them brainstorm ideas, learn, and explore the industry. Students from NIT-Trichy participated in the competition and bagged 1st and 3rd position. Team with 1st position consisted of Gautam Kumawat (MTech. 2nd year), Nirbhay Singh (BTech. 3rd year) and Abhishek Dadheech (BTech. 3rd year) under the guidance of Dr. J. Karthikeyan, Associate Professor Civil Department NIT-Trichy. Team with 3rd position consisted of Thushali Ramkumar (BTech. 3rd year) under the guidance of Dr. Prabha Mohandoss, Assistant Professor Civil Department NIT-Trichy.