
Digital Communication

Pre-Requisite : EC301
Contact Hours and Credits : ( 3 -0- 0 ) 3


  • To understand the key modules of digital communication systems with emphasis on digital modulation techniques.
  • To get introduced to the concept and basics of information theory and the basics of source and channel coding/decoding.

Topics Covered :

Base band transmission. Pulse Modulation techniques – PAM, PPM, PDM. Pulse code modulation (PCM), DM, Destination SNR in PCM systems with noise. Matched filter. Nyquist criterion for zero ISI. Optimum transmit and receive filters. Correlative Coding, M-ary PAM. Equalization; zero-forcing and adaptive linear equalizers.

Digital modulation techniques – binary ASK, FSK, and PSK. Signal space diagram. Error probabilities.

M-ary PSK,  FSK, QAM, MSK and GMSK. Optimum detector. Signal constellation, error probability.

Linear block codes, Encoding and decoding. Cyclic codes. Convolutional codes. Viterbi decoding. TCM.

Spread spectrum (SS) techniques; direct S.S and frequency hop S.S. Processing gain and jamming margin. CDMA

Course Outcomes :

Students are able to

  • CO1: Apply the knowledge of statistical theory of communication and explain the conventional digital communication system.
  • CO2: Apply the knowledge of signals and system and evaluate the performance of digital communication system in the presence of noise.
  • CO3: Apply the knowledge of digital electronics and describe the error control codes like block code, cyclic code.
  • CO4: Describe and analyze the digital communication system with spread spectrum modulation.
  • CO5: Design as well as conduct experiments, analyze and interpret the results to provide valid conclusions for digital modulators and demodulator using hardware components and communication systems using CAD tool.

Text Books:

  • J.G. Proakis, Digital Communication (4/e), McGraw – Hill,2001.
  • S. Haykin, Communication Systems (4/e), Wiley,2001.

Reference Books:

  • B. Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals & Applications, Pearson Education, (2/e), 2001.
  • A.B. Carlson : Communication Systems, 3/e McGraw Hill.
  • R.E. Zimer & R.L. Peterson: Introduction to Digital Communication, PHI, 2001.